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Propared in the Classroom

Equipping the Next Generation of Managers

Train your students with the tools used by professional arts organizations.

We offer FREE training licenses to students and educators to learn Propared.

Get Started in Three Easy Steps

Frequently asked questions

Who is eligible for an Instructor License?

Eligible students and educators are those who are enrolled at, or employed by, a qualified educational institution. A qualified educational institution is one that has been accredited by an authorized governmental agency for the primary purpose of teaching enrolled students. This includes accredited high schools, and higher education institutions.

Instructor licenses and student accounts may only be used for in-class and independent study and may not be used for commercial or professional purposes.

How do instructors manage their students' access?

Each Instructor License comes with the number of student seats needed for a term. When the term ends, you can remove those students from your Instructor Dashboard and reassign these seats to incoming students.

Are there resources for instructors and students to learn Propared?

Yes! We provide a video training series that walks through every screen and function in Propared.

We also provide downloadable worksheets that go along with each video and concept.

This material can be used by students for self-study, or incorporated into stage management curriculum.

Can I use Propared to manage my entire theatre department?

Yes! The professional version of Propared allows for collaboration among multiple users (including student stage managers) to manage shows, rehearsals, designer deadlines, costume fittings, show reports, classes, and more in a single system.

To explore the professional version of Propared, click here to schedule a meeting!

What's the difference between an instructor license and a professional license?

When a student signs in, they will have access to their own complete Propared subscription as any manager at a professional organization would, with three differences:

A professional Propared subscription allows an organization to create and manage multiple shows simultaneously. A student may only have one active project at a time.

Professional organizations can display a company or school logo on all schedules and paperwork. For students, a “Propared Student License” logo will appear at the top of all shared paperwork.

Professional organizations can add additional editing managers to their subscription including staff, faculty, department heads, and stage managers to collaborate on shows. Students will not be able to add any other users.

Request Access to Propared in the Classroom

What's your name?(Required)
You’ll be able to swap out students at the end of each class.

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